Journal of the Indonesian Mathematical Society <table style="border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%;" border="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="width: 25%;" valign="top"><strong>Journal title</strong></td> <td style="width: 3%;"> :</td> <td style="width: 72%;" align="justify">Journal of The Indonesian Mathematical Society</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 25%;" valign="top"><strong>Initials</strong></td> <td style="width: 3%;"> :</td> <td style="width: 72%;" align="justify">JIMS</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 25%;" valign="top"><strong>Abbreviation</strong></td> <td style="width: 3%;"> :</td> <td style="width: 72%;" align="justify">J. Indones. Math. Soc.</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 25%;" valign="top"><strong>Frequency</strong></td> <td style="width: 3%;"> :</td> <td style="width: 72%;" align="justify">4 issues per year (March, June, September, and December)</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 25%;" valign="top"><strong>DOI prefix</strong></td> <td style="width: 3%;"> :</td> <td style="width: 72%;" align="justify"><a href="">10.22342</a> by<img src="" alt="" width="52" height="14" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 25%;" valign="top"><strong>ISSN</strong></td> <td style="width: 3%;"> :</td> <td style="width: 72%;" align="justify"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2086-8952</a> (p) | <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2460-0245</a> (e)</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 25%;" valign="top"><strong>Editor-in-chief</strong></td> <td style="width: 3%;"> :</td> <td style="width: 72%;" align="justify"><a href="">Indah Emilia Wijayanti</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 25%;" valign="top"><strong>Executive Editor</strong></td> <td style="width: 3%;"> :</td> <td style="width: 72%;" align="justify"><a href="">Fajar Adi Kusumo</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 25%;" valign="top"><strong>Managing Editor</strong></td> <td style="width: 3%;"> :</td> <td style="width: 72%;" align="justify"><a href="">Hazrul Iswadi</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 25%;" valign="top"><strong>Journal Rank</strong></td> <td style="width: 3%;"> :</td> <td style="width: 72%;" align="justify"><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">CiteScore</a> - Q4 (<em>General Mathematics</em>) </strong>&amp;<strong><a href=";hide_exact_match_fl=true&amp;utm_source=mjl&amp;utm_medium=share-by-link&amp;utm_campaign=journal-profile-share-this-journal" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> JCI</a> - Q4 (<em>Mathematics</em>)</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 25%;" valign="top"><strong>Publishing Model </strong></td> <td style="width: 3%;"> :</td> <td style="width: 72%;" align="justify">Open Access, <a href="">Author(s) Pay</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 25%;" valign="top"><strong>Publisher</strong></td> <td style="width: 3%;"> :</td> <td style="width: 72%;" align="justify"><a href="">The Indonesian Mathematical Society</a></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> IndoMS en-US Journal of the Indonesian Mathematical Society 2086-8952 ANALYSIS OF UNEMPLOYED YOUTH IN INDONESIA BY PANEL DATA REGRESSION WITH MODERATING VARIABLE <p>Indonesia is entering the era of demographic bonus with the productive age dominating the population. Productive age is the main focus of the government in maximizing the demographic dividend, but Indonesia has the highest percentage of Not in employment, education or training (NEET) in Asia. NEET are people on 15 – 24 years old who do other activities outside of school, work or training. This study aims to analyze NEET in Indonesia using panel data with moderate regression analysis. The analysis of multiple linear regression is focused on the relationship between the independent and dependent variables without taking into other possible outcomes. By inserting a moderating variable, this study explores the relationship between the independent and dependent variables differently and aims to strengthen or weaken it. Under certain conditions, the relationship between the independent and dependent variables can be explained by the moderating variable. The research data used were obtained from the employment book and the website of BPS Indonesia, in the form of 34 cross section and 5 years time series data that tends to be stationary. The dependent variable is NEET with 5 independent variables including Human development index, the open unemployment rate, labor force participation rate, proportion of individuals who own phone, and proportion of informal employment. The moderating variable is the proportion of youth aged with ICT skills. The best model in regression analysis panel data is FEM with 4 significant independent variables and 92.75% of R-square. Moderating variable can moderates the relationship of NEET with its independent variables and increased the R-square to 94.19%.</p> Sri Subanti Nabila Tri Amanda Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of the Indonesian Mathematical Society 2024-09-18 2024-09-18 30 3 338 351 10.22342/jims.30.3.1803.338-351 FIXED POINT THEOREMS FOR (ψ, ϕ, ω)-WEAK CONTRACTIONS IN COMPLETE METRIC SPACES <p>In this paper, we define the mapping called (ψ, ϕ, ω)-weak contractions. We then use this definition to proof the existence of fixed point. The mapping we defined above is a modified mapping by Liu and Chai. We use the concept ω-distance to proof the fixed point theorem. Since every ω-distance is metric, then the resulting theorem also satisfy for every metric.</p> Irvandi Gorby Pasangka Maria Agustina Kleden Ganesha Lapenangga Putra Ndaru Atmi Purnami Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of the Indonesian Mathematical Society 2024-09-23 2024-09-23 30 3 352 360 10.22342/jims.30.3.1387.352-360 A NEW THREE- STEP DERIVATIVE FREE ITERATIVE METHOD AND ITS DYNAMICS <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>A new free derivative iterative method is presented in this article. The method is developed by combining Newton’s method and Euler’s method. Deriva- tives in this method are approximated by forward difference, hyperbola and divided difference. The order of convergence is proven analytically to be of sixth order. Numerical results exhibit that the new method is comparable to other methods. Basins of attraction are also provided to support the proposed method.</p> </div> </div> </div> Syamsudhuha Syamsudhuha M Imran Ayunda Putri Leli Deswita Riski Amelia Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of the Indonesian Mathematical Society 2024-09-23 2024-09-23 30 3 361 373 10.22342/jims.30.3.1533.361-373 GROUP MEAN CORDIAL LABELING OF SOME QUADRILATERAL SNAKE GRAPHS <p>Let G be a (p, q) graph and let A be a group. Let f : V (G) −→ A be a map. For each edge uv assign the label [o(f (u))+o(f (v)) / 2]. Here o(f (u)) denotes the order of f (u) as an element of the group A. Let I be the set of all integers<br />labeled by the edges of G. f is called a group mean cordial labeling if the following conditions hold: (1) For x, y ∈ A, |vf (x) − vf (y)| ≤ 1, where vf (x) is the number of vertices labeled with x. (2) For i, j ∈ I, |ef (i) − ef (j)| ≤ 1, where ef (i) denote the number of edges labeled with i. A graph with a group mean cordial labeling is called a group mean cordial graph. In this paper, we take A as the group of fourth roots of unity and prove that, Quadrilateral Snake, Double Quadrilateral Snake, Alternate Quadrilateral Snake and Alternate Double Quadrilateral Snake are group<br />mean cordial graphs.</p> Rajalekshmi R N Kala R Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of the Indonesian Mathematical Society 2024-11-08 2024-11-08 30 3 374 384 10.22342/jims.30.3.1210.374-384 ABUSE OF PSYCHOACTIVE DRUGS AND ITS PREVENTION IN A HOST COMMUNITY: MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS <p>In this paper, psychoactive drug abuse and prevention in a host community is illustrated by a mathematical model, studying the human population into four groups: those who are at risk of being initiated into psychoactive drug abuse, those who are currently abusing psychoactive drugs, those who are undergoing treatment for psychoactive drug abuse, and those who give up drug abuse through willingness or therapy. The positivity and invariant region of the model are investigated. The basic reproduction number $R_drg$ was also obtained. The numerical simulations were performed using the computer software MATLAB. The dynamics of variables and the sensitivity of parameters are displayed graphically to demonstrate that treatment and willingness to stop drug abuse are effective ways to reduce the threat of psychoactive drug abuse in a host community.</p> S.E. Fadugba Mariem Elkaf Karam Allali Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of the Indonesian Mathematical Society 2024-11-08 2024-11-08 30 3 385 397 10.22342/jims.30.3.1458.385-397 LIGHTLIKE HYPERSURFACES OF AN INDEFINITE (α, β)-TYPE ALMOST CONTACT METRIC STATISTICAL MANIFOLD WITH AN (l, m)-TYPE CONNECTION <p>This paper aims to present the theory of hypersurfaces for a novel class of manifolds called an indefinite (α, β)-type almost contact metric statistical manifold or trans-Sasakian statistical manifold with an (l, m)-type connection. The study delves into the analysis of screen semi-invariant lightlike hypersurfaces within this framework. Specific conditions on the recurrent and Lie recurrent structure tensor field have been established. Additionally, illustrative examples are provided to enhance the comprehension of the introduced concept.</p> Shagun Bhatti Jasleen Kaur Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of the Indonesian Mathematical Society 2024-11-20 2024-11-20 30 3 398 420 10.22342/jims.30.3.1518.398-420 COMMUTATIVE AND SPECTRAL PROPERTIES OF kth-ORDER (SLANT TOEPLITZ + SLANT HANKEL) OPERATORS ON THE POLYDISK <p><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">In this paper for</span> <span dir="ltr" role="presentation">k</span> <span dir="ltr" role="presentation">≥</span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">2, we introduce the idea of</span> <span dir="ltr" role="presentation">k</span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">th</span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">-order (Slant Toeplitz </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">+ Slant Hankel ) operators on the polydisk and discuss the commutativity, partial </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">isometry and co-isometry properties. Further, we extend our study to the spectral </span><span dir="ltr" role="presentation">properties.</span></p> M. P. Singh Pradipkumar Laishram Oinam Nilbir Singh Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of the Indonesian Mathematical Society 2024-11-20 2024-11-20 30 3 421 437 10.22342/jims.30.3.1550.421-437 ON X-SUB-LINEARLY INDEPENDENT OF ROUGH GROUPS <p>In 1982, Pawlak introduced a concept, namely the rough set theory. Several studies have been conducted regarding applying rough set theory in algebraic structures such as rough groups, rough rings, and rough modules. Furthermore, X-sub-linearly independent is a generalization of linearly independent concepts. In this paper, we investigate the X-sub-linearly independent of rough groups.</p> Gusti Ayu Dwi Yanti Fitriani Fitriani Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of the Indonesian Mathematical Society 2024-11-26 2024-11-26 30 3 438 446 10.22342/jims.30.3.1632.438-446 UNVEILING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN M-POLYNOMIAL BASED TOPOLOGICAL INDICES AND INVERSE GRAPHS OF FINITE CYCLIC GROUPS: A COMPREHENSIVE STUDY <p>In the discipline of graph theory, topological indices are extremely important. The M-polynomial is a powerful tool for determining a graph's topological indices. The use of M-polynomials to describe macro-molecules and biochemical networking is a novel concept. Also, the M-polynomial of various micro-structural allows us to calculate a variety of topological indices. The chemical substances and biochemical networks are correlated with their chemical characteristics and bio-active compounds using these findings. In this research, we use the M-polynomial to create special essential topological indices of inverse graphs on finite cyclic groups, such as Randic, Zagreb, Augmented Zagreb, Harmonic, Inverse sum, and Symmetric division degree indices.</p> Mageshwaran K Gopinath S Siluvaidasan R Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of the Indonesian Mathematical Society 2024-12-03 2024-12-03 30 3 447 467 10.22342/jims.30.3.1565.447-467 BALANCED INDEX SETS OF GRAPHS AND SEMIGRAPHS <p>Let G be a simple graph with vertex set V (G) and edge set E(G). Graph labeling is an assignment of integers to the vertices or the edges, or both, subject to certain conditions. For a graph G(V, E), a friendly labeling f : V (G) → {0, 1} is a binary mapping such that |vf (1) − vf (0)| ≤ 1, where vf (1) and vf (0) represents number of vertices labeled by 1 and 0 respectively. A partial edge labeling f ∗ of G is a labeling of edges such that, an edge uv ∈ E(G) is, f ∗(uv) = 0 if f (u) = f (v) = 0; f ∗(uv) = 1 if f (u) = f (v) = 1 and if f (u)̸ = f (v) then uv is not labeled by f ∗. A graph G is said to be balanced graph if it admits a vertex labeling f that satisfies the conditions, |vf (1) − vf (0)| ≤ 1 and |ef (1) − ef (0)| ≤ 1, where ef (0), ef (1) are the number of edges labeled with 0 and 1 respectively. The balanced index set of the graph G is defined as, {|ef (1) − ef (0)| : the vertex labeling f is friendly}. A semigraph is a generalization of graph. The concept of semigraph was introduced by E. Sampath Kumar. Frank Harrary has defined an edge as a 2-tuple (a, b) of vertices of a graph satisfying, two edges (a, b) and (a′, b′) are equal if and only if either a = a′ and b = b′ or a = b′ and b = a′. Using this notion, E. Sampath Kumar defined semigraph as a pair (V, X) where V is a non-empty set whose elements are called vertices of G and X is a set of n-tuples called edges of G of distinct vertices, for various n ≥ 2 satisfying the conditions: (i) Any two edges of G can have at most one vertex in common; and (ii) two edges (a1, a2, a3, ..., ap) and (b1, b2, b3, ..., bq ) are said to be equal if and only if the number of vertices in both edges must be equal, i.e p = q, and either ai = bi for 1 ≤ i ≤ p or ai = bp−i+1, 1 ≤ i ≤ p. In this article, balance index set of T (Pn), T (Wn), T (Km,n) and T (Sn) determined, and the balance index set of semigraph is introduced. Additionally, the balanced index set of semigraph Cn,m, Kn,m is determined.</p> Nagarjun Prabhu Devadas Nayak C Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of the Indonesian Mathematical Society 2024-12-07 2024-12-07 30 3 468 485 10.22342/jims.30.3.1196.468-485