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Let c be a proper coloring of a graph G = (V, E) with k colors which induces a partition Π of V (G) into color classes L1, L2, . . . , Lk . For each vertex v in G, the color code cΠ(v) is defined as the ordered k-tuple (d(v, L1), d(v, L2), . . . , d(v, Lk )), where d(v, Li) represents the minimum distance from v to all other vertices u in Li(1 ≤ i ≤ k). If every vertex possesses unique color codes, then c is called a locating-k-coloring in G. If k is the minimum number such that c is a locating-k-coloring in G, then the locating-chromatic number of G is χL(G) = k. In this paper, the author determine the locating-chromatic number of some Jellyfish Graphs.
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G. Chartrand, D. Erwin, M. A. Henning, P. J. Slater, and P. Zhang, “Graphs of order n with locating-chromatic number n- 1,” Discrete mathematics, vol. 269, no. 1-3, pp. 65–79, 2003.
G. Chartrand, D. Erwin, M. A. Henning, P. J. Slater, and P. Zhang, “Graphs of order n with locating-chromatic number n- 1,” Discrete mathematics, vol. 269, no. 1-3, pp. 65–79, 2003.
I. A. Purwasih and E. T. Baskoro, “The locating-chromatic number of certain halin graphs,” in AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1450, pp. 342–345, American Institute of Physics, 2012.
A. Behtoei and M. Anbarloei, “The locating-chromatic number of the join of graphs,” Bulletin of The iranian Mathematical Society, vol. 1450, pp. 1491–1504, 2014.
A. Behtoei and B. Omoomi, “On the locating-chromatic number of the cartesian product of graphs,” Ars Combinatoria, vol. 126, pp. 221–235, 2016.
E. T. Baskoro and I. A. Purwasih, “The locating-chromatic number for corona product of graphs,” Southeast-Asian Journal of Sciences, vol. 1, pp. 124–134, 2012.
Asmiati, E. T. Baskoro, H. Assiyatun, D. Suprijanto, R. Simanjuntak, and S. Utunggadewa, “Locating-chromatic number of firecracker graphs,” Far East J. Math. Sci., vol. 63, no. 1, pp. 11–23, 2012.
N. M. Surbakti, D. Kartika, H. Nasution, and S. Dewi, “The locating chromatic number for pizza graphs,” Sainmatika: Jurnal Ilmiah Matematika Dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 126–131, 2023.
A. Irawan, A. Asmiati, L. Zakaria, and K. Muludi, “The locating-chromatic number of origami graphs,” Algorithms, vol. 14, no. 6, p. 167, 2021.
D. K. Syofyan, E. T. Baskoro, and H. Assiyatun, “On the locating-chromatic number of homogeneous lobsters,” AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 245–252, 2013.
Asmiati, “On the locating-chromatic numbers of non-homogeneous caterpillars and firecracker graphs,” Far East J. Math. Sci., vol. 100, no. 8, pp. 1305–1316, 2016.
N. Inayah, W. Aribowo, and M. M. Windra Yahya, “The locating chromatic number of book graph,” Journal of Mathematics, vol. 2021, no. 1, p. 3716361, 2021.
A. Behtoei and B. Omoomi, “On the locating chromatic number of kneser graphs,” Discrete applied mathematics, vol. 159, no. 18, pp. 2214–2221, 2011.
E. T. Baskoro and A. Asmiati, “Characterizing all trees with locating-chromatic number 3,” Electronic Journal of Graph Theory and Applications (EJGTA), vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 109–117, 2013.
Asmiati and E. T. Baskoro, “Characterizing all graphs containing cycles with locating-chromatic number 3,” in AIP conference proceedings, vol. 1450, pp. 351–357, American Institute of Physics, 2012.
Arfin and E. T. Baskoro, “Unicyclic graph of order n with locating-chromatic number n − 2,” Jurnal Matematika dan Sains, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 36–45, 2019.
E. T. Baskoro and A. Arfin, “All unicyclic graphs of order n with locating-chromatic number n-3,” Indonesian Journal of Combinatorics, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 73–81, 2021.
S. Lee and A. Lee, “On super edge-magic graphs with many odd cycles,” Congressus Numeratum, pp. 65–80, 2003.
D. A. Azka, R. Lisaida, and Y. Susanti, “Pelabelan harmonis pada graf kincir tiga dan graf n-ubur-ubur,” in Semin Mat dan Pendidik Mat UNY, pp. 15–20, 2017.
K. Akbar and K. A. Sugeng, “Pelabelan graceful pada graf siput dan graf ubur-ubur,” in Pattimura Proceeding: Conference of Science and Technology, pp. 143–148, 2021.