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In most cases, almost prime submodules are equivalent to prime submodules, but in a finitely generated module, it is not necessarily equivalent. Based on the fact that a finitely generated module over a principal ideal domain can be decomposed into a free part and a torsion part, we give a new approach to the characteristic of almost prime submodules in the finitely generated module, especially we point out the cases when the submodules are almost prime but not prime.


almost prime submodule free module finitely generated module prime submodules torsion module

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How to Cite
Wardhana, I. G. A. W., Astuti, P., & Muchtadi-Alamsyah, I. (2024). The Characterization of Almost Prime Submodule on the Finitely Generated Module over Principal Ideal Domain. Journal of the Indonesian Mathematical Society, 30(1), 63–76.


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