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Recently Jun and Hur proposed (m, n)-fuzzy sets which can handle vagueness and uncertainty in information very efficiently in the process of solving complex problems. They defined basic operations over (m, n)-fuzzy sets. The present paper created some new operations over this super class of fuzzy sets and established many theorems related to the their properties. Further some distance and similarity measures of (m, n)-fuzzy sets are proposed and their properties are examined. Moreover, the proposed similarity measures are applied to the problem of pattern recognition.
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Yager, R. R., ”Pythagorean fuzzy subsets” In : Editor, Pedrycz, W. Reformat, Marek,
Z.,(eds) Proceedings of the 2013 joint IFSA world congress and NAFIPS annual meeting
(IFSA/NAFIPS) IEEE, Edmonton, Canada (2013),57-61.
Zadeh, L. A., ”Fuzzy sets”, Information and Control, 8 (1965), 338-353.
Zeng, W., Li, D., Yin, Q. ”Distance and similarity measures of Pythagorean fuzzy sets
and their applications to multiple criteria group decision making”, International Journal of
Intelligent Systems, 33(2018),2236–2254