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The time series process is not only influenced by previous observations, but some phenomena result in drastic changes to observations in the time series process so that there is a change in the average or only a temporary change in observations. For example, there is a policy from the government towards handling a case. This is referred to as an intervention. Therefore, it is necessary to do time series modeling with intervention factors. One form of intervention in the current pandemic era is a policy issued by the government. In this study, the time series model used is ARIMA. This study aimed to analyze the effect of an intervention on the ARIMA model on Covid-19 cases in Bali. This study uses data on the number of new Covid-19 cases in Bali from 24 April 2020 to 31 May 2021. There are two interventions used in this study, namely restrictions on activities for the Panca Yadnya ceremony and crowds in Bali and restrictions on traveling outside the area and/or going home and/or leaving for employees of the State Civil Apparatus during the Covid-19 pandemic. The results of this study show that two policies issued by the Bali provincial government can handle the addition of new cases of Covid-19. It can be seen from the decline in the number of new Covid-19 cases in Bali until the end of May 2021.


Intervention step function pulse function MSE restriction

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How to Cite
Imro’ah, N., & Huda, N. M. (2025). Double Intervention Analysis on The Arima Model of Covid-19 Cases in Bali. Journal of the Indonesian Mathematical Society, 31(1), 1347.


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