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Let G be a simple graph with vertex set V (G) and edge set E(G). Graph labeling is an assignment of integers to the vertices or the edges, or both, subject to certain conditions. For a graph G(V, E), a friendly labeling f : V (G) → {0, 1} is a binary mapping such that |vf (1) − vf (0)| ≤ 1, where vf (1) and vf (0) represents number of vertices labeled by 1 and 0 respectively. A partial edge labeling f ∗ of G is a labeling of edges such that, an edge uv ∈ E(G) is, f ∗(uv) = 0 if f (u) = f (v) = 0; f ∗(uv) = 1 if f (u) = f (v) = 1 and if f (u)̸ = f (v) then uv is not labeled by f ∗. A graph G is said to be balanced graph if it admits a vertex labeling f that satisfies the conditions, |vf (1) − vf (0)| ≤ 1 and |ef (1) − ef (0)| ≤ 1, where ef (0), ef (1) are the number of edges labeled with 0 and 1 respectively. The balanced index set of the graph G is defined as, {|ef (1) − ef (0)| : the vertex labeling f is friendly}. A semigraph is a generalization of graph. The concept of semigraph was introduced by E. Sampath Kumar. Frank Harrary has defined an edge as a 2-tuple (a, b) of vertices of a graph satisfying, two edges (a, b) and (a′, b′) are equal if and only if either a = a′ and b = b′ or a = b′ and b = a′. Using this notion, E. Sampath Kumar defined semigraph as a pair (V, X) where V is a non-empty set whose elements are called vertices of G and X is a set of n-tuples called edges of G of distinct vertices, for various n ≥ 2 satisfying the conditions: (i) Any two edges of G can have at most one vertex in common; and (ii) two edges (a1, a2, a3, ..., ap) and (b1, b2, b3, ..., bq ) are said to be equal if and only if the number of vertices in both edges must be equal, i.e p = q, and either ai = bi for 1 ≤ i ≤ p or ai = bp−i+1, 1 ≤ i ≤ p. In this article, balance index set of T (Pn), T (Wn), T (Km,n) and T (Sn) determined, and the balance index set of semigraph is introduced. Additionally, the balanced index set of semigraph Cn,m, Kn,m is determined.
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Kong, M. C., Lee, S. M., Seah, E., and Tang, A. S., A complete characterization of balanced graphs, Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and combinatorial computing, 66 (2008), 125-136.
Kwong, H., On balance index sets of rooted trees, Ars. Combinatorica, 91 (2009), 373-382.
Alhevaz, A., Darkooti, M., Rahbani, H., Shang, Y., Strong equality of perfect roman and weak roman domination in trees, Mathematics, 77(997), (2019), 1-13.
Kim, R. Y., Lee, S. M., and Ng, H. K., On balancedness of some graph construction, Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and combinatorial computing, 66(2008), 3-16.
Tan, S. K., Liu, A., and Lee, S. M., On balanced graphs, Congresses Numerantium, 82 (1992), 59-64.
Kwong, H., Lee, S. M., and Sarvate, On balance index sets of one point union of graphs, Journal of Combinatorial mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, 66 (2008), 113-127.
Ng, H. K., Lee, S. M., and Tong, S. M., On balance index of the chain-sum graphs of cycle, Utilitas Mathematica,77, (2008), 113-123.
Lee, S. M., Wang, W. C., and Wen, Y. H., On the balance index set of (p, p + 1)-graphs, Journal of Combinatorial mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, 62 (2007), 193-216.
Kwong, H., and Shiu, W. C., An algebraic approach for finding balance index sets, Australian Journal of Combinatorial 45,(2009), 139-155.
Su, H. H., Lee, S. M., and Wang, H. C., On balance index set of trees of diameter four, Journal of Combinatorial mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, 78 (2011), 285-302.
SampathKumar, E., Semigraphs and their applications, Technical Report[DST/MS/022/94], India: Dept. of Science and Technology, 1999.