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In this study, a neutrosophic N −subalgebra and neutrosophic N−ideal of a Sheffer stroke BCK-algebras are defined. It is shown that the level-set of a neutrosophic N−subalgebra (ideal) of a Sheffer stroke BCK-algebra is a subalgebra (ideal) of this algebra and vice versa. Then we present that the family of all neutrosophic N−subalgebras of a Sheffer stroke BCK-algebra forms a complete distributive modular lattice and that every neutrosophic N−ideal of a Sheffer stroke BCK-algebra is the neutrosophic N −subalgebra but the inverse does not usually hold. Also, relationships between neutrosophic N−ideals of Sheffer stroke BCK-algebras and homomorphisms are analyzed. Finally, we determine special subsets of a Sheffer stroke BCK-algebra by means of N−functions on this algebraic structure and examine the cases in which these subsets are its ideals.
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