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This paper deals with the theory of V. Kondratiev which allows to study the regularity of elliptical problems in corner domains. After having introduced the Mellin transform and the Sobolev spaces to weight, we recall the links with Sobolev spaces. The Mellin transform represent an important key to study the H^s regularity in corner domains.
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- Sami H. Altoum, Solution of Second Order Ordinary Differential Equation Associated with Toeplitz and Stiffness Matrices, American Journal of Applied Sciences 2018, 416-422.
- Sami H. Altoum, Analytical and Three Numerical approach to Solve Second Order ODEs,
- International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research , January 2018 DOI:10.26808/
Euler, L., De formulis exponentialibus replicatus., Acta Academiac Petropolitenae, 1, 38-60.
Baker, I.N. and Rippon, P.J. , Convergence of infinite exponentials., Annales Academiac Scentiarium Fennicae. Mathematika. Series AI, 8, 179-186.
H.-H. Kuo, White noise distribution theory, CRC press, Boca Raton 1996.
Folland, G.B, Real Analysis: Modern Techniques and Their Applications, 2nd ed. Wiley Inter science, 1999.
Feynman, R.P, Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman, pp. 71-72, Bantam Books, 1986.
Rudin, W, Principles of Mathematical Analysis, United States: McGraw Hill, 1976.
Williams, D., Probability with Martingales, Cambridge University Press, 1991.
Sami H. Altoum, Solution of Second Order Ordinary Differential Equation Associated with Toeplitz and Stiffness Matrices, American Journal of Applied Sciences 2018, 416-422.
Sami H. Altoum, Analytical and Three Numerical approach to Solve Second Order ODEs,
International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research , January 2018 DOI:10.26808/