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A loan benchmark interest rate policy always becomes a challenging problem in the banking industry since it has a role in controlling bank loan expansion, especially when there is competition between two banks. This paper aims to assess the influence of the loan benchmark interest rate on the expansion of loans between two banks. We present a banking duopoly model in the form of two-dimensional difference equations which is constructed from heterogeneous expectation, where one of the banks sets its optimal loan volume based on the other bank’s rational expectation. The model’s equilibrium is investigated, and its stability is analyzed using the Jury stability condition. Investigation indicates that to ensure the stability of the banking loan equilibrium, it is advisable to establish a loan benchmark interest rate that is lower than the flip bifurcation value. Some numerical simulations, such as the bifurcation diagram, Lyapunov exponent, and chaotic attractor, are presented to confirm the analytical findings.


banking duopoly benchmark rate bifurcation chaos heterogeneous

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How to Cite
Ansori, M. F. (2024). LOAN BENCHMARK INTEREST RATE IN BANKING DUOPOLY MODEL WITH HETEROGENEOUS EXPECTATION. Journal of the Indonesian Mathematical Society, 30(2), 205–217.


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