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We introduce the non-braid graph of a group G, denoted by ζ(G), as a graph with vertex set G \ B(G), where B(G) is the braider of G, defined as the set {x ∈ G | (∀y ∈ G)xyx = yxy}, and two distinct vertices x and y are joined by an edge if and only if xyx ̸ = yxy. In this paper particularly we give the independent number, the vertex chromatic number, the clique number, and the minimum vertex cover of non-braid graph of dihedral group Dn


non-braid graph dihedral group independent number vertex chromatic number clique number minimum vertex cover

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How to Cite
Muhammad, H., Maharani, R. M. I., Nurhayati, S., Wadu, M., & Susanti, Y. (2024). THE NON-BRAID GRAPH OF DIHEDRAL GROUP Dn. Journal of the Indonesian Mathematical Society, 30(1), 110–120.


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